Friday, October 30, 2009

Apartment Complex

Another photo from my recent walk in the park.  I thought this tree looked pretty interesting, figuring a woodpecker made some holes in it.  I tried to get a few macro shots, but unfortunately they didn't turn out.  While I was up close to the tree, I inspected the holes somewhat and it looks like they were made much bigger (as you can see here) than what a woodpecker would do, by biting and gnawing at the wood around the holes.  I figure this must be an apartment complex for some squirrels.


Anonymous said...

Interesting!! I didnt know squirrels made holes...*huummm*

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

I don't know if they do or not...was just a guess. Might be some other kind of rodent or creature. It was the only tree around that I saw like that...