Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Crocus In Bloom

These crocuses (and several others) started popping up back in February (minus the flowers). We ended up getting a couple of snow storms and they were covered up once again. In the last couple of weeks, the temperature has warmed up enough to melt the snow off these particular flower beds, and these spring flowers have popped up even more. Several of them are in bloom now, and there should be lots more coming up soon.  We have both yellow ones and two shades of purple ones. None of the yellow ones have come up yet, but they should come soon.

I took this photo this morning using RAW and played a little with it in Photoshop Elements.  I have several more shots that I hope to touch up and share in the near future.


~Cheryl said...

These are amazing little flowers! Your photo is lovely!

Covnitkepr1 said...

Isn't it amazing how beautiful His creation is, and your capturing it for all to enjoy.

Patrinas Pencil said...

They are an amazing sign of spring! I have daffodils blooming!

Thanks for sharing the beauty of the season

Patrina <")>><

prashant said...

Your photo is lovely!
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